Zoodles with a light sun dried tomato, avocado & mint pesto sauce. Ωμοφαγικές ταλιατέλες κολοκυθιού με κρύα σάλτσα λιαστής ντομάτας, αβοκάντο και δυόσμο.

Get a spiralizer!

Raw food is magic to me. I give credit for that to the awesomeness of veganism. I mean, I would have never thought of making this prior to eating vegan food. What a revelation! I came across raw till 4 concept diet when I found earthyandy’s instagram & YouTube account and became a fan immediately! It makes so much sense! Nutritionally, medicinally, holistically. I am sure that like any other diet, it cannot work for everyone. There is no universal diet plan. Every organism is different & has unique characteristics. Obviously there might be several problems that may pop up when following this diet, especially if one has a intestinal disorder that can’t deal with too much fiber. I am not saying you go all ahead and follow this! Do your own research and first of all listen to your body. Your body reaction with affirm if it’s good or not you. Let me tell you some facts about it:

  • Raw Till 4 is about eating only raw fruits and greens till 4pm then follow with a high carb, low fat cooked vegan dinner.”
  • It was created by an Australian blogger and YouTube star known as ‘Freelee the Banana Girl’. The concept of Raw Till 4 is to say no to calorie restriction and yes to eating and living abundantly.
  • The diet has gained many followers and supporters as well as some haters too.
  • What’s the benefit? Raw food tends to be low in fat, processed sugar, salt or additives and can therefore support efficient weight management, digestion, energy production and possibly reduce the risk progressive conditions as diabetes type 2.
  • What are the negatives? Eating a raw plant-based diet may exhaust the digestive system especially if you have a condition such as an IBD or IBS as you are putting your gut under more stress and pressure.
  • The concept of mono meals its a huge part of this diet plan, meaning you are advised to eat one fruit at a time in big portions. This is based on the fact that our stomach cannot process too many raw fruit all at once. This way you avoid bloating and discomfort.

So, do your own research, read, evaluate, criticise, question. Let your own body guide you. That’s the best advice I have, and that’s what I did.

I started to listen to my body. And all of the sudden, my body healed its self.

You can find more information about this diet here:


Now let’s get down with this recipe!


2 sundried tomatoes

1 garlic clove

3 cherry tomatoes

a handful of mint

2 tbsp pine nuts

2 tbsp olive oil

half avocado

3 medium zucchini


You got to get a spiralizer! Spiralize the zucchini and place on a plate. Blend rest ingredients in small chunks, NOT into paste and put on top of the zucchini. Season with Himalayan salt & oregano.

⚜️Serve with cherry tomatoes and more mint.

Eat! Awesome. ??

Προμηθευτείτε spiralizer!

Η ωμοφαγική διατροφή δεν εχει καλύτερο αντιπρόσωπο από αυτόν. Ταλιατέλες κολοκυθιού. Ευφιέστατο πιάτο και πολύ νόστιμο! Το μόνο που στέκεται μεταξύ εσας και αυτού του μαγικού πιάτου είναι ένα spiralizer! Μπορείτε να το βρείτε εύκολα online πια σε διάφορες μορφές. Εγώ προτίμησα αυτό για ευκολία και δεν πιάνει χώρο στην κουζίνα!

Οι σάλτσες που μπορείτε να συνοδεύσετε τις ταλιατέλες λαχανικών είναι πάρα μα πάρα πολλές! Εδώ μοιράζομαι μια από τις αγαπημένες μου. Επίσης! Μπορείτε να συνδυάσετε μαζί και ταλιατέλες καρότου για περισσότερη θρέψη κσι μαγεία!


3 μέτρια κολοκύθια

1 σκελίδα σκόρδο

2 λιαστές ντομάτες

3 ντοματίνια

1/2 αβοκάντο

2 κ. σούπας ελαιόλαδο

2 κ.σούπας ηλιόσποροι

φρέσκο δυόσμο, μια χούφτα


Mε το spiralizer φτιάχουμε τις ταλιατέλες και τις τοποθετούμε σε ένα πιάτο. Χτυπάμε στο μπλέντερ τα υπόλοιπα υλικά λίγο ισα ισα να γινουν κομματάκια, όχι κρέμα. Βαζουμε πάνω από τις ταλιατέλες. Αλατίζουμε και πιπερίζουμε.  Έτοιμο!


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